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Challenges on Culture and Learning:

App development with AI-based features
UI/UX optimization for the learning platform Lern-Fair e.V.
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten
Requirements for digital geodata management - Rural Development Administration
Performance art app - Residenztheater München
AI-supported consulting for module selection
A Digital Day with Pepper
The cover picture shows a closed, red theatre curtain.
Digital Innovations for the Theatre Society Munich
KonTEXT – Motivation App
The picture shows two children, a blond boy and a brown-haired girl. The boy is wearing a red jumper with a bear on its right side. He is holding a dark red pen in his right hand. He seems to be writing or drawing something. The girl leans over to him and looks intently at what he is writing or drawing.
Measuring the Acquisition of Competences
Museum Villa Stuck
Munich's Culture Online for (New) Target Groups
The photo shows the interior of an old building with impressive architecture. The walls are made of stone and are bathed in golden light from lamps. In the middle is a wide staircase with a statue made of white stone. In front of it, two people stand on the stairs. The photo was taken from a bird's eye view.
Making Museums More Attractive
TheaGe Community Platform
The picture shows the hands of a woman. She is wearing red nail polish and a wide ring on her right ring finger. She is holding a white tablet in her hands on which a sketch of a house can be seen. The screen background is blue and shows the ground plan of a building. The ground plan is also on paper on a table under the tablet. The sketch of the house looks like a projection of the finished building over of the building's ground plan.
Virtual Reality for Munich's Buildings